Purpose of
the IFD
Together for sustainable building – worldwide.Â

Purpose of the IFD
The purpose of the International Federation of the Roofing Trade is to:
- to serve as a permanent bond between its members,
- to study common professional problems and to derive from them knowledge for individual members or the organisation as a whole,
- to safeguard and support the common economic, business, technical, social, cultural and other professional interests of the members at international level.
Methods of action of the IFD
The IFD exchanges documentation related to the profession and issues statements on common issues.
It organises international workshops and congresses and organises – if possible in connection with this – a professional competition of young roofers (“world championship” according to its own implementation guidelines).
The IFD promotes young professionals, in particular vocational education and training.
It participates in the preparation of technical standards, e.g. CEN, approvals, e.g. EOTA and other regulations for the roofing trade within the framework of European and international work.
The IFD undertakes and promotes research and studies on the professional profile of the roofing trade.
The IFD supports the development of the fields related to research and technology, as well as the construction and technology of roofs. It publishes and disseminates literature on these subjects.
The IFD issues its own recommendations, guidelines and leaflets for its members.
It cooperates with other international organisations, in particular other craft organisations, in order to contribute to the improvement of the social and economic situation of the roofing trade on the basis of the social market economy.