of the IFD

IFD Award 2023
71st IFD Congress 2023 and IFD AWARD in Bolzano
This year we met in October in sunny and warm South Tyrol. In summery temperatures, we enjoyed not only the congress but also the beautiful historic centre of Bolzano and the unique locations that this visit brought us.
The traditional evening at Haselburg Castle high on the rock above Bolzano and the gala evening in the impressive Kurhaus in Merano were unique and very worthy.
The content of the congress was highly praised by the participants, who learnt interesting facts about South Tyrol, the latest scientific findings and information on the current work of the IFD commissions.
- Presentation of the IFD Awards
- America
- China
- Germany
- Estland
- Lettland
- Austria
- Poland
- Switzerland
- South Africa
- Hungary
- United Kingdom
Entries were received in the following categories:
- Facade: 20
- Metal roof: 14
- Flat roof: 11
- Pitched roof: 21
To the full report of the 2023 Congress
Here you find the ranking list of the IFD Award 2023
69th IFD Congress 2021 and IFD-AWARD in Marburg
Finally, after 2 years, it was time to meet again in person at a congress. The beautiful Marburg in Hesse was our host city.
This year we held the IFD Congress 2021 as a hybrid event, as participants from overseas as well as many from Europe were unable to attend due to travel restrictions.
For all participants, the conference, the results of the AWARD and the cosy get-together at the evening events were something special. After such a long time, everyone took advantage of the opportunity to finally exchange ideas in person again.
- America
- China
- Estonia
- Latvia
- Poland
- Austria
- Russia
- Switzerland
- Hungary
- United Kingdom
- Facade: 19
- Metal roof: 27
- Flat roof: 18
- Pitched roof: 16
To the full report of the 2021 Congress
Here you find the ranking list of the IFD Award 2021
IFD Award 2019
A congress with many highlights – Edinburgh 2019
300 participants from 19 countries, from China to South Africa to Canada and the USA, but with a focus on Europe, experienced a welcome at the Scottish Parliament, a national evening at Edinburgh Castle and the IFD AWARDS presentation at the gala evening with five award winners in four categories. And finally, since Edinburgh, the IFD has a President from Edinburgh.
The Scottish capital Edinburgh presented itself in the best of moods and the weather also (mostly) cooperated. Graeme Millar, IFD board member and Edinburgh native, had promised sunshine and great events. And he was able to keep his promise. Everyone was impressed by the beauty of Edinburgh and its special atmosphere.
The presentations at the conference, the results of the AWARDS and the togetherness at the evening events were all special.
For Graeme Millar, it was certainly also special to be enthroned as the new IFD President at the end of the 2019 Congress at the IFD General Assembly.
Read the full report on the IFD Congress 2019 here
Gala evening with presentation of the IFD Awards
An all-round festive atmosphere prevailed at the gala evening in the Wappensaal of the Vienna City Hall. More than 140 participants from 19 countries came to attend the highlight of the evening, the presentation of the IFD Awards 2017. The competition for special and outstanding achievements by member companies in the categories pitched roof, flat roof, metal roof and façade had been announced by the IFD in spring. And it was very well received. “The submitted objects show outstanding achievements of the roofers. 71 objects from ten countries had been submitted and 17 projects from a total of 18 companies from the United Kingdom, Hungary, Slovakia, South Africa, Russia, China and Austria had been nominated”, IFD Secretary General Detlef Stauch announced the award ceremony. The nominees received their certificates from the hands of the sponsors of the IFD Awards 2017. The winners were finally announced by IFD board members and rewarded with certificates and trophies to thunderous applause. A perfect end to a successful 65th IFD Congress.
The 66th IFD Congress and the 27th World Championship of Young Roofers will take place in 2018 in Riga, Latvia.
IFD Award 2017 – Winner
Read the full report on the IFD Congress 2017 here
IFD Award 2015
IFD Gala Evening with Awarding of the IFD Prizes
On Friday evening, 30 October 2015, a festive gala evening took place with over 120 participants in the magnificent rotunda of the Steigenberger Grandhotel Petersberg in Königswinter. This occasion was used to honour the nominees. The highlight of the evening was the announcement of the winners of the IFD-AWARDS 2015 and the awarding of the prizes. The competition for special and outstanding achievements by member companies in the last two years in the categories pitched roof, flat roof, metal roof and façade had been announced by the IFD in the spring of the year. The competition was very well received. The submitted objects showed excellent performances by the roofers.
Of the total of 58 projects from 12 countries, 16 objects from 14 companies had been nominated. Companies from Austria, Germany, Ireland, Poland, China, Hungary and the United Kingdom were among the nominees. The winner in façade from the UK was unfortunately not present, but the president of the NFRC association accepted the award. The winner from Austria was pleased to receive the prize in the flat roof category. Companies from Austria were nominated a total of five times. But Hungary was particularly successful. Hungarian companies won in the pitched roof and metal roof categories. Both companies were also represented and celebrated exuberantly with the Hungarian delegation afterwards.

Winner category pitched roof
- Object: Madarász Inn
- Company: Remek mesterek; Sándor Kovács
- Product: Roof tiles
- Country: Hungary

Winner category flat roof
- Object: AUVA Klagenfurt
- Company: Spitzer GmbH; Gerhard Sapper
- Product: Büsscher + Hoffmann
- Country: Austria

Winner category flat roof
- Object: AUVA Klagenfurt
- Company: Spitzer GmbH; Gerhard Sapper
- Product: Büsscher + Hoffmann
- Country: Austria

Winner Category Facade
- Object: National Graphene Institute
- Company: Lakesmere Group; Charlotte Chadwick
- Product: Versch. Facade systems
- Country: United Kingdom
Nominee category pitched roof
- Object: Wadhurst church
- Company: Clarke Roofing Southern LTD; Frank Clarke
- Product: Wood shingles
- Country: UK
- Object: New building Buschenschank Wutte
- Company: Wagner Dach GmbH; Jürgen Pronegg
- Product: TONDACH
- Country: Austria
- Object: Erbdrostenhof
- Company: Kleinwechter & Bröker GmbH; Bastian Kleinwechter
- Product: Roof tiles
- Country: Germany
Nominee Category Flat Roof
- Object: Anton Bruckner Private University
- Company: Anton Dallinger GmbH; Anton Dallinger
- Product: Büsscher + Hoffmann
- Country: Austria
- Object: LOEWE Research Centre
- Company: Willy A. Löw AG; Peter Löw
- Product: Polymer bitumen waterproofing
- Country: Germany
- Project: Depuy Synthes
- Company: Crown Roofing LTD; Emma O’Gorman Wall
- Product: Plastic roofing membrane
- Country: Ireland
Nominee Category Metal Roof
- Object: T3 Shenzhen Airport
- Company: Beijing OrientalYuhong Waterproofing Technology Co. LTD; Hezhang Ruan
- Product: Galvanised steel
- Country: China
- Object: District Headquarters
- Company: Dach Service Gautsch GmbH; Gottfried Gautsch
- Product: PREFA
- Country: Austria
- Object: Swiatyni Opatrznosci Bozej
- Company: Prezedsiebiorstwo Produktno – Handlowe “EURO-DACH”; Jozef Klimczuk
- Product: Metal
- Country: Poland
Nominated category facade
- Object: Bertuch Corner
- Company: Dach Schneider Weimar GmbH; Michael Schneider
- Product: Fibre cement facade
- Country: Germany
- Object: Lower Austrian Youth Home Hollabrunn
- Company: Pasteiner GmbH; Dieter Kotrnec
- Product: Aluminium facade
- Country: Austria
- Project: Canary Wharf Crossrail
- Company: Lakesmere Group; Charlotte Chadwick
- Product: Versch. Facade systems
- Country: UK